samedi 1 mars 2014
1899 - Les Américains font la guerre (en couleurs) aux Philippines
Ces Nouvelles Possessions qui ont quand même coûté 20 millions de dollars, méritaient bien un reportage de propagande citoyenne et une bonne guerre !
Pour l'historique sommaire du conflit, voir ici
Le site d'Arnaldo Dumindin, entièrement consacré à la Guerre américano-philippine (1899 - 1902)
Pour les photos en couleurs de cet album, c'est ci-dessous !
An interior town of Lyzon, the name of wich is not given by photographer, probably because of its insignifiance. These villages are usually formed of a number of thatched bamboo huts surrounding a stone church.
Chinese litter bearers, accompanying troops during their advance on Malolos. Their great endurance of hardship and swiftness of foot in carrying heavy burdens were found to be valuable service to the medical department.
These are reserves of the 22d Infantry awaiting to the firing line. They are taking their rest just before the final advance on Pasig. Their countenances do not show them to be victims either of fatigue or fear.
A field telegraph station in one of the churches of Caloocan. It is set up on the altar with the wires strong upon the tabernacle.
Section of the firing line at Pasig during the early part of the engagement. The insurgents are secreted in the woods about a quarter of a mile beyond the stream wich is here hidden from view by the trees.
This is the only photograph taken of General Otis in the field. It was taken near Bigaa during the advance on Malolos. The other men are his aids. They are in hostile territory and in danger of sharpshooters.
Section of Utah Light Battery in action at the battle of Caloocan. The battery has just ceased firing to locate the retreating insurgents and note the effects of the last shoots. Notice that none cares what the photographer is doing.
Colonel Lippincott, Surgeon-General of the Eight Army Corps; Major Kilbourne, Public Treasurer; and assistants of staff of General Otis.
This is a field telegraph office near Poco bridge, during the engament of Feb. 5, 1899. Lieut. Gibbs, of the Volunteer Signal Corp with detachment is in charge. Their duty was usually full of danger, as they were as far as possible at the front.
Section of the firing line of the Kansas Regiment near Bigaa. The call to "cease firing" has just been sounded and the insurgents across the river have been ordered to surrender. The order was promptly obeyed and the captives were sent to rear.
Congressional hall and executive building occupted by Aguinaldo and his aids. Here Aguinaldo took the oath of office. After the Filipinos were driven away, Gen. MacArthur made it his headquarter. Photograph taken the first day of occupation.
The trenches of the south line of Manial as seen here are occupied by Lieutenant Hawthorne's Mountain Battery of the Sixth Artillery. Sacks of sand are used where stone is difficult to get into position.
General Wheaton and his aids at the suburbs of Malolos, preparing to enter after the retreating insurgents. This was the aerly seat of the Tagal government. The soldiers are at parade rest in the road awaiting orders to advance.
This is a view of the camp and trenches of the Montana regiment in front of Caloocan. An engagement was hourly expected but the boys appear not the least disconcerted and met it with victory when it came.
Lines south of Manila, showing part of the camp of the 22d Infantry in the Idaho trenches. The viex is looking towards the beach from a hill known as Haystack Knoll. It gives good idea of "the firing line".
The steel railroad bridge across the Passig can be seen here with its barricaded entrance. It was fortifed by the insurgents to prevent the crossing of the Amreican troops during the advance on Malolos. It was captured wuith but little difficulty.
Telegraph station in charge of Corporal Ten Eyke of Signal Corps, near firing line at Pasig. The instruments were in the shack above until their candle was knocked off theit table by sharpshooters across the river.
"Deposito". A general bivouac of the troops. This is the place where the water is settled before delivery to the disbursing reservoir and supplied to the city of Manila. It was also uses by General Hale as his headquarters.
"On Guard". What is he thinking of, home, sweetheart or sharpshooters ? The gun at is right is a rapid-firing magazine used by the Utah Light Battery during their engagement, at the Manila waterworks and "Deposito" Feb. 26, 1899.
Signal station communicating with the navy flag from Caloocan church, across the intrenchments of insurgents. Feb. 10, just before the engagement.
Company called to arms during drenching rainstorm. They are clad in rubber "ponchos", a covering to protect the soldiers from the sudden rains. However, it is claimed by the army surgeons that the rubber coats are unhealthful.
These men are bringing in their dead and wounded from the engagment near Pasig. It is a part of the battallion of the 20th Infantry. The Pasig river can be seen just beyond them. It was a light battle.
Filipino market women on the way to Manila. They are satisfied if the fruit or handiwork carried in their two baskets will procure a few yards of cloth or any of the fancy articles of foreign manufacture, they may see.
The Spaniards lost none of their buyoancy of spirit by becoming American prisoners at the fal of Manilla. It was release from very arduous labor. The officer in the center is only one to turn his back.
No photograph can give an adequate idea of the native soldiers in their spotless uniforms of white-duck waist-coat and trousers, with hats of Manila straw. Their guileless and innocent appearance is a good cover for their crafty natures.
The national pastime of the Flipinos is cock-fighting, as is bull-baiting that of Mexico and Spain. To suppress it is looked upon as the most cruel tyranny, but it was done at once in Manila by the Americans.
This is the Spanish blockhouse, No. 14, taken by Gen. MacArthur's brigade, Aug. 13, 1898. A stubborn fight was made, but the Spaniards could not withstand the dashing charge of the £American troops. Most of the enemy were made prisoners.
"Next" An improvised barber shop in Kansas trenches. The barber is not here as much in evidence as under more civilized circumstances, and the appliance were not so full of comfort, yet the service was doubtless as affective.
The engineers were adept at making pontoon bridges over wich the heaviest artillery and ammunition wagons could be taken with safety. This bridge is across the Bigaa river and the wagons are being hauled by men from lack of draft animals.
Oupost of the Pennsylvanie pickets in a stone blochouse captured from the insurgents near the Chinese church, just before the battle of Caloocan. They are watching got "pot shots" that is, shots at a mass of men at long distance.
Gun of Utah Light Battery in position near La Loma church for battle of Calloocan. Fortunately none of the men were injured in this engagement, although they were in the hottest of the fight.
This shows effect of first smokeless powder used by Americans in the Philippines. The guns are the old Spingfield model. Photograph taken during heat of the action at Pasing. In this instance it is a long distance firing.
The 22d Infantry are here awaiting orders for the general advance upon Pasig. Every cartridge belt is full and every gun in goof order. According to the testimony of the men themselves, they were eager for the charge.
View of "Cemetery Hill" from near the southwest corner, showing only a small part of the graves of the American dead. It gives an idea of the manner of burial together with mode of identification.
This view shows a part of "Cemetery Hill" on decoration day. The American dead were not forgotten nor neglected by their comrades. Patriotism now finds many of its noble dead in graves half around the world.
These are the trenches of the Third Artillery before Caloocan ready for the beginning of the engagement of Feb. 10, 1899. In the distance the trenches of Montana's regiment may be seen. The action was short and sharp with the enemy soon in retreat.
Gen. T.M. Anderson and his Adj. Gen., Capt Cabell, viewing the insurgent dead and wounded lying in the enemy's trenches after the engagment of February 5, 1899. It was one of the most gruesome visions early in the conquest of Philippines.
A section of the 2d Division hospital of Manila in wich surgeons are dressing the wounfs of the captured insurgents. It illustrates the humane treatment of the Americans toward their enemies in the war against the authority of the United States.
Section of Battery "D." of the 6th Artillery on outpost duty, near Fort Malate, San Antonio, one of the suburbs of Manilia. This photograph was taken on the day before the insurrection that destroyed Tondo.
Kansas firing line in the heat of battle near the Bigaa river. Our forces are near the water's edge. The river is about twenty-five ards wide. Here General Funston distinguished himself, capturing twenty prisoners and thirty guns.
This is known as 'the lookout". It is a method adopted by the Americans for scanning a flat country to discover the enely in trenches. The tree here used is on the "firing line" of South Manila.
The American troops are here entering the public square of Malolos. The church has just been set on fire by the retreating insurgents, and was burned down notwithstanding the efforts of the soldiers to save it.
The railroad depot of Malolos. The proclamation of General Luna is posted upon the wall near the door. The officers are Generals Otis, McArthur and Hale. Photograph was taken during the half hour following evacuation of insurgents.
View of the residence occupied by the peace commission during their sojourn in Luzon. It is located in Malate, a suburb of Manila. The house is on a beautiful spot near the shore of the bay.
The desperate character of the insurgents is shown in this wanton destruction of Malolos church. It was fired by them as they fled before the Americans just entering the town. It was done partly in revenge against the religious orders.
Suburbs of Manila. Fourth U.S. Cavalry returning to the city after the captur of Pasig, on March 15, 1899. This vixtory was by a bold dash, wich never failet to rout the enemy wholly unused to such tactics.
Company H. of the 22nf infantry, at mess in the trenches of the south line of Manila, April 15, 1899. At this time the boys generally remembered the table at home with a better appreciation of its comforts
This shows part of General MacArthur's command, the 4th Cavalry and a detachment of the Signal Corps, on a expedition along Navaliches road, preparatory to advance on Malolos. Sharpshooters and dangers of ambush kept them constantly alert.
General Lawton during advance on Novaliches, mounted on native pony and followed by his aids. One of the typical roads of Luzon is here shown. They are too narrow to permit a column of troops or artillery in military form.
This is an army supply train en route to Malolos. The wagons are hauled by a species of buffalo peculiar to the Philippines. It is a patient animal somewhat livelier than an American ox. It does the hard labor of the islands.
The Twentieth Kansas Infantery is here shown digging while exposed to the enemy's sharpshooters, jusr before the engament at Caloocan, Feb. 10, 1899. Fortunately, none were killed at this work, but it required courage.
A portion of the firing line is here shown engaged in battle during the advance on Malolos. The insurgents are making a stand among the trees on the hills seen in front of the soldiers. The enemy soon retreated.
Convalescence Hospital, in Malate, a suburb of Manila. This is the place wich convalescents are removed from the reserve and general hospitals. Here they can have more exercice and more suitable care according to conditions.
The American engineers usually had bridges ready as soon as they were needed. This was made in a few hours strong enough to allow passage of artillery. The stream in the scene is known as the Bigga river.
Mode of moving the American dead from the field on horse litters fron the medical department near Pasig. The melancholy scene is worthy of considerate contemplation. In 1897 it would be supposed to impossible.
Soldiers carrying American wonded and dead from the field to the hospital temporarily formed near Camp Santa MEsa, Feb. 5 1899. This view was taken during the engagement of the first day's fight, late afternoon.
Signal Officers 8th Army Corps - Lt. G.H. Tilley, Lt. P.J. Perkins, Capt. E.A. McKenna, Capt. E. Russel, Lt. W.W. Chance, Lt. A. J. Rudd, Lt Col. R.E. Thomson, Lt. C.H. Gordon, Lt. C.E. Kilborne, Jr, Capt. G.E. Lawrence, Lt. F.E. Bailey, Lt. W.C. Cannon.
Sixth U.S. Artillery Officiers - Lieutenant E.D. Scott, Lieutenant A.S. Fleming, Major F.C. Gragan, Lieutenant C.S. Babcock, Lieutenant H.L. Hawthorne, Captain A.B. Dyer, Lieutenant Quinan, A.A.S.
Crédit pour la mise en ligne des photos : Humus
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